Take care of all the administration tasks on site, include worker's missing info for contracts, W-9, bank details, everyday tracking of workers attendance, making sure they use clock in/out app. Supervise all the works performed on site based on foreman's instructions. Supervise and track tools and materials on site, to be informed what's on site, what's needed. Plan the materials delivery in advance, to inform foreman of any tool that is missing. Be able to read plans and to be able to explain workers based on plans where to drill etc. Be able to do all or most of work himself to be able to demonstrate to the workers and/or to replace the worker if anyone is missing or if certain assistance is needed. Be always available on the phone, to be able to motivate people and work under foreman's leadership
Pick up materials, water in company's track. Supervise safety.
Ability to speak, write, reading in English and Spanish.
Education: Civil Engineer, Construction Management, Project Management